Case studies

Rare Heart Surgery Saves 14-year-old.

In a shocking incident, a 14-year-old school boy from Dombivli suffered an heart attack while playing in school and fell unconcious on the ground.The boy was then brought to the nearby  hospital by school authorities.The Chief Cardiologist Dr,Deepak Shinde attended to the boy immediately and found that he was having massive heart attack.Dr.Deepak Shinde suggested to have an immediate operation of the boy i.e angioplasty where he had 20% chance of being successful.

Dr.Deepak Shinde explaiined his parents about the emergency of the boy who need to be operated immediately.The parents however agreed for operation and the boy was operated  under the Chief Cardiologist Dr.Deepak Shinde and was successfuly saved.

The boy was having such a massive heart attack in which the person may even die.Because Dr,Deepak Shinde an interventional cardiologist treated him on the right time by taking right decision of doing angioplasty saved this 14-year-old boy’s life and also showed recovery.